The main aims of the Antimicrobials SIG are:

  • To provide a platform for the active exchange of information on antimicrobials the evolution of resistance and strategies to combat the problem.

  • To serve as a discussion forum for people interested in antimicrobials and advance communication of up to date knowledge on related topics.


The SIG will serve as a platform for discussion of matters related to antimicrobials, with a principal focus on:  

(1) antimicrobials mode of action;  

(2) molecular mechanisms, evolution and spread of antimicrobial resistance;  

(3) current and emerging strategies for surveillance and control of antimicrobial resistance. 

The SIG may also serve as a platform for the promotion of training opportunities related to antimicrobial research and education available locally and internationally.  

The SIG’s scope will not extend to discussing guidelines for prescription or clinical use of antibiotics and other antimicrobials.