The main purposes of the Clinical Microbiology SIG are:

  • to serve as a platform for the discussion of matters pertaining to Clinical Microbiology through regular presentations

  • to share interesting case studies and laboratory findings

  • to discuss current developments in topical issues pertaining to microbial resistance, outbreaks, etc.

  • to provide networking opportunities for all who share an interest in Microbiology from all levels of experience


Monthly SIG meetings, which are hosted in turn by each participating laboratory, serve as a platform for presentations and discussions of topics such as new and emerging diseases, technologies and research as well as sharing interesting case studies in the field of Clinical Microbiology (both human and animal). 


The Clinical Microbiology SIG meetings were established in 1992 and have since been bringing Microbiologists together on a monthly basis to promote professional development and networking between the various labs operating in Brisbane and surrounds. The implementation of the virtual Zoom meeting platform during the Covid pandemic facilitated the attendance of Microbiologists from greater Queensland as well, with a growing number of attendees.